Welcome to KidZone!

At KidZone, we desire that elementary children are equipped to enter middle school with WISDOM, FAITH, and FRIENDSHIP, knowing 150 Bible stories and having learned about 36 different virtues, or what we call, VIRTUES.  
Our goal is that a child’s relationship with Jesus is reflected in the following ways:  I need to make the wise choice, I can trust God no matter what, and I should treat others the way I want to be treated. 
All kids K through 3rd grade will meet in the Fellowship Hall with a caring leaders who are intentional about building relationships with kids as they learn important biblical truths.

In our K-3rd environments, we use the 252Kids curriculum which is created to be biblically-rooted AND developmentally appropriate for this age group. Our goal is to teach the timeless truths of Scripture in a way that kids can grasp and live out personally.
Each Sunday children will go home with resources to continue to grow their faith at home with parents who have the greatest impact on their child’s spiritual development.  Also, be sure to follow us on instagram and facebook (@nocckidzone) for up-to-date information about what’s happening at KidZone.

Questions? Contact Callie Coe
Call 714-998-3181 x106
or ccoe@nocc.org



ELEMENTARY SERIES DESCRIPTION: Commitment is part of God’s nature and how God interacts with us, keeping promises and putting plans into action. God’s commitment to us is just one of the many reasons we can trust God no matter what. And because God’s promises and plans came true in Jesus, we can be with God forever. We reflect God’s character when we make a plan and stick to it. This month, we’ll help kids discover that one of the best plans they can make is to commit to an ongoing relationship with Jesus. We hope they commit to practicing their faith by reading God’s Word, praying to God honestly and consistently, talking about God with others, and living for God in how they show love throughout the everyday.

Daily Devotionals for Kids (by grade):