Worship Service - 1st Service
Worship Service
Join us in-person for our worship service at 8:30am.
Join us in-person for our worship service at 8:30am.
Join us online or in-person for our worship service at 10:00am.
Kidzone for babies to 6th grade is available.
Youth Ministries is meeting in T1.
Join us in-person for our worship service at 8:30am.
Join us online or in-person for our worship service at 10:00am.
Kidzone for babies to 6th grade is available.
Youth Ministries is meeting in T1.
Join us in-person for our worship service at 8:30am.
Join us online or in-person for our worship service at 10:00am.
Kidzone for babies to 6th grade is available.
Youth Ministries is meeting in T1.
An Easter Experience
More Information coming soon!
Good Friday Service
Join us as we remember the crucifixion and all that had happened upon Jesus’ death.
Easter Sunrise Service
Join us for our Easter Sunrise Service as we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the grave as we see the sun rise in the sky. Our service will be held outside the worship center, weather permitting.
Join us for Easter Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall after the Sunrise Service
Join us in-person for our worship service at 8:30am.
Join us online or in-person for our worship service at 10:00am.
Kidzone for babies to 6th grade is available.
Youth Ministries is meeting in T1.
Join us online or in-person for our worship service at 10:00am.
Kidzone for babies to 6th grade is available.
Youth Ministries is meeting in T1.
Join us in-person for our worship service at 8:30am.
Join us online or in-person for our worship service at 10:00am.
Kidzone for babies to 6th grade is available.
Youth Ministries is meeting in T1.
Join us in-person for our worship service at 8:30am.
Join us online or in-person for our worship service at 10:00am.
Kidzone for babies to 6th grade is available.
Youth Ministries is meeting in T1.
Join us in-person for our worship service at 8:30am.
Join us online or in-person for our worship service at 10:00am.
Kidzone for babies to 6th grade is available.
Youth Ministries is meeting in T1.
Join us in-person for our worship service at 8:30am.
Church Wide Fast
We will have a Church Wide Fast on March 1-2, where will be fasting and praying together, calling out to God the many needs we have in our church. We are also planning on breaking the fast together on March 2nd after our worship services. If you would like to let us know your prayer needs, please click on the button below and fill out the form. We will be putting together a list of prayer needs from our church so we can pray for each other.
Invite your friends to be a part of this safe, real environment where ladies can come together to eat, laugh, connect, and ultimately find their strength and security in the Lord!
Have any questions? Contact Callie at ccoe@nocc.org
Join us online or in-person for our worship service at 10:00am.
Kidzone for babies to 6th grade is available.
Youth Ministries is meeting in T1.
Join us in-person for our worship service at 8:30am.
Who: 4th-6th graders
When: Fri, Feb 21 – Sun, Feb 23
Where: Thousand Pines Christian Camp
If your child is interested in going, please contact Dianna by emailing her at dsundell@nocc.org
If you would like to help provide a scholarship (partial or full) to help a child get to camp, you can write a check to North Orange Christian Church, mark “Kids Winter Camp Scholarship” on the memo line, and put it in the offering.
Join us in person at the Chapel and lift our voices in songs from the hymnal.
Refreshments served after (cookies and punch.)
Join us online or in-person for our worship service at 10:00am.
Kidzone for babies to 6th grade is available.
Youth Ministries is meeting in T1.
Join us in-person for our worship service at 8:30am.
Precut Fabric and instruction provided. All it takes is your time. If you don’t sew or don’t have a machine you can still help.
These quilts are given to Sheepfold, Crittenton, H.I.S. House, Wounded Warrior Battalion, CHOC, and anywhere there is a need.
Contact the office at 714-998-3181 or office@nocc.org with any questions.
Join us online or in-person for our worship service at 10:00am.
Kidzone for babies to 6th grade is available.
Youth Ministries is meeting in T1.
Join us in-person for our worship service at 8:30am.
Join us online or in-person for our worship service at 10:00am.
Kidzone for babies to 6th grade is available.
Youth Ministries is meeting in T1.
Join us in-person for our worship service at 8:30am.
Join us online or in-person for our worship service at 10:00am.
Kidzone for babies to 6th grade is available.
Youth Ministries is meeting in T1.
Join us in-person for our worship service at 8:30am.
Join us online or in-person for our worship service at 10:00am.
Kidzone for babies to 6th grade is available.
Youth Ministries is meeting in T1.
Join us in-person for our worship service at 8:30am.
Winter retreat is a great time for students to get away, enjoy winter fun, meet new friends, and grow in their relationship with Jesus! Depending on the weather, there could be snow, but no matter what we will have amazing worship and thought-provoking messages and small groups.
Who: students from 7th grade-12 grade
When: Friday, January 17th to Monday January 20th
Where: An Airbnb in Lake Arrowhead
Join us online or in-person for our worship service at 10:00am.
Kidzone for babies to 6th grade is available.
Youth Ministries is meeting in T1.
Join us in-person for our worship service at 8:30am.
Saturday, Jan. 11, 2025, 8-10 am
Pastor Josh Phillips, First Downey Christian Church
Topic: Act Like Men
Join us online or in-person for our worship service at 10:00am.
Kidzone for babies to 6th grade is available.
Youth Ministries is meeting in T1.