Current Responsibilities & Progress


Steve Horrex serving with Amor for the past 39 years
VP of Global Development

“Serving with Amor, as VP of Global Development, I’m responsible for both our current international development projects and the research and develop of our future Global projects, as God leads us to go and serve throughout the world.
We are currently serving fulltime in Mexico, South Africa and Moldova. Amor remains open to partnerships as God leads.
The major program that takes a good portion of my time is directing our ministry in South Africa. With the great support of our newly established South African Board of Directors and our staff there, our goal is to be 100% financially supported and staffed by South Africans.
I also oversee a program called the Amor Commissioneers which is the coordination and mobilization of skilled architects and engineers located all over the world who love Amor and are willing to volunteer their skills to further the ministry.  So, as God leads us into new countries and new partnerships, these committed volunteers, regardless of where we go, are ready to serve by helping us put our best foot forward in every condition with skilled planning and design. In every new situation, we must consider cultural design, availability of materials, cost and the training of locals.
And finally, when needed, I act as the official represent for Amor in the different countries we serve, to share our story and convey how Amor feels called to serve the poorest of the poor throughout the world with the highest level of integrity.”